[Highlights] Is Fintech a Solution to SMEs: Opportunities and Challenges

[Highlights] Is Fintech a Solution to SMEs: Opportunities and Challenges

Socio-Economic Policy and Sentiment Hub, School of Accounting and Finance (SOAF), Taylor’s University, is inviting you and your friends to join the online forum entitled ” Is Fintech a Solution to SMEs: Opportunities and Challenges” Date: 29May 2021, Saturday Time: 10.00 – 11.30am Platform: Microsoft Teams We will bring in experts from the Fintech industry,…

The First China-ASEAN Online Trade Fair (11th-13th Sep 2020)

The First China-ASEAN Online Trade Fair (11th-13th Sep 2020)

Official Website: guoao2020.com Currently, the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 around the world is affecting the global economy. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, China and ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore have come to understand, support, and learn from each other, contributing to the steady recovery of the regional economy. According to…

Prioritise local players over foreign ones with PENJANA e-commerce scheme, urges SME Association

Prioritise local players over foreign ones with PENJANA e-commerce scheme, urges SME Association

KUALA LUMPUR: The SME Association of Malaysia is urging the government to prioritise disbursement of incentives for local e-commerce enabler companies over foreign ones proposed under the Short-term Economic Recovery Plan (PENJANA). Its president Datuk Michael Kang Hua Keong said with the booming e-commerce market since the movement control order (MCO) was implemented, greater importance…

[4 – 8 May 2020] MCBEA at eCommerce & Cross Border Trading: Opportunities Vs Challenges

[4 – 8 May 2020] MCBEA at eCommerce & Cross Border Trading: Opportunities Vs Challenges

MDEC is hosting its first and biggest e-Dagang Expo (eDX) running from 4 May until 8 May 2020. The virtual event seeks to upskill and accelerate e-Commerce adoption amongst Malaysian SMEs, taking businesses offline to online and onward to export. Please select the sessions that you are interested to attend. You will receive a confirmation…

[30 April 2020] Grab it Now with BSN MICRO KREDIT PRIHATIN & SRF LOAN FOR MSME

[30 April 2020] Grab it Now with BSN MICRO KREDIT PRIHATIN & SRF LOAN FOR MSME

[SME MALAYSIA WEBINAR 7.0 – FREE ADMISSION] Date: 30th April 2020 (THURSDAY) Time: 11am- 12.30pm TOPIC: Grab it Now with BSN MICRO KREDIT PRIHATIN & SRF LOAN FOR MSME The government has decided to abolish loan interest for micro-credit schemes under the Prihatin economic stimulus package. A total of RM200mil will be allocated in funds…

[27 April 2020] Voice of the SMEs on Sustainability & Survival 中小企业的声音:持续与生存

[27 April 2020] Voice of the SMEs on Sustainability & Survival 中小企业的声音:持续与生存

Date: 27th April 2020 (Monday) Time: 5.30PM-7.30PM TOPIC: Voice of the SMEs on Sustainability & Survival 中小企业的声音:持续与生存 WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! 我们要听您的评论和不平的声音! MCO was extended 2 more weeks until 12 May 2020. Looking at the issues on Stimulus Packages from SMEs, Digital Transformation Plan, Loan Applications, Legal matter, post-MCO action, etc. 行管令又再延迟2星期至5月12日。我们一起来探讨关于中小企业经济振兴配套的问题、企业数码转型、银行贷款申请、法律条规、后行管令的经济发展等课题! Let’s…

[24 April 2020] 疫情后复工复产,让我们协助您未雨绸缪

[24 April 2020] 疫情后复工复产,让我们协助您未雨绸缪

24.4.2020(FRIDAY, 3.00PM-4.30PM) 💻📲📲📲 SME MALAYSIA WEBINAR 5.0 – FREE ADMISSION 🔴 TOPIC: 疫情后复工复产,让我们协助您未雨绸缪 各领域企业将会面临怎么样的经济冲击和挑战? 应如何开源节流以及有更妥善的营运方式? 让我们从法律角度给予您建议并协助您进行规划。 ♦️Sign in with WEBEX Link http://bit.ly/SME-LEGAL2 🤓 Organised by SME Malaysia; Powered by MyKRIS 🗝️ KEY MODERATORS: 1. 拿督江华强 , 马来西亚中小型企业公会总会长 2. 陈棋雄 , 马来西亚中小型企业公会副总会长 3. 王明威律师 , 马来西亚中小型企业公会法律顾问 4. 颜炳壽律师 , 特约嘉宾 💪

[23 April 2020] Inspiring Innovation Amidst Crisis

[23 April 2020] Inspiring Innovation Amidst Crisis

A Webinar Talk series Date: 23rd April 2020 (THURSDAY) Time: 5 pm- 6 pm TOPIC: Inspiring Innovation Amidst Crisis Register now via https://thecads.com/webinar KEY SPEAKERS: 1. CS Chin, National Vice President of SME Association of Malaysia 2. Sharala Axryd, Founder and CEO of CADS 3. Dato’ Norhalim Yunus, CEO of Malaysian Technology Development Corporation 4….

[21-23 April 2020] 讲题: 新冠疫情行管下,*中小企业科技转型,逆境求变,上线实战123*

[21-23 April 2020] 讲题: 新冠疫情行管下,*中小企业科技转型,逆境求变,上线实战123*

21/4-23/4 :(周二,三,四晚上/8-9.30PM) MONEY COMPASS SME WEBINAR 5.0 (MANDARIN) 💻📲📲📲中小企业网络研讨会 免费入㘯 🔴TOPIC 讲题: 新冠疫情行管下,*中小企业科技转型,逆境求变,上线实战123* 新冠疫情行管下无论何种大小行业都——面对沖击。科技经济,手机上綫购物不单是—种潮流而是必然的趨势。中小企业应逆境中求变,趕紧上綫开店!*三天内让您拥有自己的网店!* 适合歺飲业,服装店,服务业,各类实体店等!别錯过!并获取政府科技转型援助金! 🤓HOST 主持人: 小雁KAREN ONG 🗝️主讲人: 1. 张志新 (BRYAN CHEONG ) 2. GOH HEN YEE 会计师( YYC ) 3. 陈棋雄, 中小企业公会副总会长(CS CHIN) 💪REGISTRATION马上报名3天: 1st Day- https://bit.ly/SMEREV1 2nd Day- https://bit.ly/SMEREV2 3rd Day- https://bit.ly/SMEREV3 or(whatsapp: NAME/EMAIL ADDRESS/HP/CO.NAME – 012-3005633)